Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze transmission lines circuits both analytically as well as using the Smith Chart
  2. Design quarter wave and single stub matching arrangements for mismatched transmission line terminations, both analytically as well as using the Smith Chart
  3. Calculate electrostatic fields, energy, and capacitance
  4. Calculate magnetostatic fields, energy, and inductance
  5. Calculate resistance

Lesson Objectives

  • Introduction to the course, policies, and the topical outline
  • Identify the objectives of studying EM Fields
  • Identify some of the fields that have a foundation in Maxwell's Equations

Welcome Remarks

Welcome to ECE 3105: Electromagnetic Fields - I. It is my pleasure to be your online instructor for 3105 this semester. My name is Sedki Riad and I am a professor with the ECE department at VT since 1979. I have been teaching EM fields since 1967. I enjoy the topic and enjoy learning more about as I continue to teach it. ECE 3105-6 sequence is a core requirement for ECE students. In this lecture, we will learn what is it about and why is it important to learn it and learnt it well.

Prerequisites for ECE 3105:  PHYS 2306, MATH 2224, ECE 2004, and some programming capability (e.g. MATLAB).  At least a 'C-' grade is required for prerequisite courses.


  • “Electromagnetic Fields and Waves,” Book-in-Progress, by Sedki M. Riad.
  • "Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics," Seventh Edition, by Fawwaz Ulaby, Eric Michielssen, and Umberto Ravaioli, Pearson, 2014 is the formal VT class textbook.
  • The Schaum Outline Series book "Electromagnetics," by J. A. Edminster -- is a useful supplement but not required.

Some tips for success

  • You must have heard that this is a "demanding" course. Well, IT IS. But, it is NOT a hard one. In other words, just put the hours and you will be rewarded. I was told by those who did before you that they actually ENJOYED it.
  • The key to doing well in this course is understanding the PHYSICS of the subject and mastering the language to describe the physics of what is going on. The language used here is what is known as MATHEMATICS. You can't go too far explaining a physical phenomenon in English, but you can go a long way if you master the language of Mathematics and can handle its expressions.
  • Now, you have the key, you need to learn how to use it. It takes persistence and constant attention. This means sweating a little.
    • Please don't miss the lectures. Read the subject matter in the text before the lecture, you will be pleased with the results.
    • Attempt the homework early and don't wait till the day it is due. This way you can ask questions about it in the lecture.
    • Find yourself a study mate or better yet, a study group. The discussion is often the best way to ensure that you and the others adequately understand the subject. If you can't explain it to others, then you don't quite understand it.
    • Don't hesitate to "Google" search the key words and topic names of the subjects we talk about, you may find useful information on the web.

Class and Grading Policy

Grading Policy


15% Homework
35% Higher Grade Midterm
5% Project
5% Attendance
5% Lower Grade Midterm
35% Final Exam
100% Total


Test dates will not be altered, and NO MAKEUP TESTS WILL BE GIVEN.


Homework will be assigned regularly. You will be given 2-3 days for each assignment. One design project will be assigned. You will be allowed two weeks to work on the project. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Honor Code

The Virginia Tech Honor Code will be enforced (see Honor Code section). Helping each other with all assignments is a violation of the honor code. However, discussions of class material related to these assignments are encouraged.

Class Instructor & TA Info

Class Instructor:

Dr. Smith []
Office Hours: TBD

Class TA:

John Doe []
TA Office Hours: TBD

Topical Outline

Material for this section are detailed in the Course Overview page.

Why Study EM Fields?

EM fields are pivotal to all aspects of Electrical Engineering. Maxwell’s equations provide the foundation for the topics of circuit theory, electronics, communications, power generation and transmission, microwaves and antennas, just to name a few application areas.

Additional skills gained by studying EM fields as an undergraduate:

Design Competence Skills:

Studying electromagnetic fields is about gaining the skill and acquiring the tools that enables the engineer to relate to the physics of electrical charge distributions and currents and their interaction with different materials. In other words, this study is all about developing the appreciation to the properties and limitations of the elements and components we use in electrical and electronic devices.

Problem Solving Skills:

Studying EM fields has the potential of arming the learner with “problem solving” skills. This a fringe benefit that comes naturally with the topic, far beyond what comes through from other courses in his/her curricula. This is manifested in the ability to take a physical problem through the steps of deriving a physically based model for which a mathematical model is then developed. Next, we do the math analysis and obtain results for which we find relevant physical explanations and applications.

WHY Transmission Lines First?

  • Traditionally, EM fields are taught starting with Electrostatics and Magnetostatics, after which dynamics, time varying fields, and EM propagation are introduced. This approach has been criticized by many as "dry" as most of the interesting EM applications are not introduced until the dynamics part is covered. As a result, it is believed that many students are turned away from the subject as a result of the abstract nature of the "static" part.
  • The idea of reversing the order of coverage has been entertained by many educators in the past with varying degrees of success. The impeding factors are the difficulty in presenting the dynamics part without the prerequisite foundation established during the study of the static's part. The lack of a "good" textbook using this approach added to the complexity.
  • Each time a new textbook presenting the dynamics first appears in the market, the electromagnetic fields committee at Virginia Tech discusses its potential use in our curriculum.  In 1998, the committee felt that the book by Miner has a novel and unique approach that we may be able to adopt.  Instead of making an abrupt switch to the new approach, the committee decided to offer a special session of our fields sequence 3105-3106 using Miner.  In the following year, a new book by Inan and Inan, following the same approach of Transmission Lines first was being used instead as it was believed that Inan and Inan is a more readable book than Miner.  The following year we switched to de Wolf's book, later to Hayt and Buck, and now Ulaby.
  • Seeking the optimum approach to Junior Fields education, the EM committee continues to monitor this ongoing "experiment" and welcomes input from the faculty and the students.  To make the experiment successful, your input is valuable.


In class discussion of students’ experiences with EM fields and related applications.

Follow up assignments

  1. HW1: In no more than 1 page, identify one application that would be of interest to you and you realize that your study of EM would be relevant. Upload your work in the Forum section for all students to review each other’s’ work.
  2. Read Chapter I, Transient and Harmonic Analyses (of Linear Systems)
  3. Review related material on transient and harmonic analysis from past circuits courses that you studied.

Closure and summary

  • Introduction to the course, policies, and the topical outline
  • Identify the objectives of studying EM Fields
  • Identify some of the fields that have a foundation in Maxwell's Equations
  • In class discussion
  • Assignments